Press accreditation

Press accreditation


The deadline for applications this year is July 31.


To be able to attend the festival as media, the following documents must be sent with your application form.
  1. Coverage given during the last edition (or previous editions): links, PDF, audios, images…
  2. Links to information already published about this year’s edition.
  3. Coverage plan for this year’s edition of the festival, clearly laid out in as much detail as possible: before, during and after the event.
Applications that do not fulfil these requirements will not be accepted.


Once you have completed and sent the form, the festival management will inform you as soon as possible as to whether your application was accepted or rejected for not complying with the minimum requirements. If accepted, your accreditation will be sent, a few days prior to the festival, to the email provided by you in the application.

Accreditations per media outlet will be limited.
  1. WEBS AND BLOGS: 1 accreditation per outlet.
  2. PRESS, TELEVISION AND RADIO: 2 accreditations (one reporter and one technician/operator/photographer).
For security reasons, passes for photographers that provide Access to the pit in front of Main Stage will be limited. Despite this, the festival will provide high resolution photos to the media that request it.

Go to the press accreditation application form